Terms and Conditions

Use Agreement for Website Materials

By accessing and using this website, you agree to the terms outlined in the Use Agreement for Website Materials. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using the Website. Expert Employ Path reserves the right to modify these terms periodically, and it is your responsibility to review them for updates. The terms "You" and "User" refer to any individual or entity accessing this site.

You are authorized to access a single instance of the Website content, which includes text, graphics, images, etc., strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes. This content is protected under U.S. and international laws, and unauthorized usage may violate these laws.

Terms of Service Acknowledgement

When using our Services, you acknowledge that we do not control the authenticity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, truthfulness, or legality of third-party content. Furthermore, you understand that we do not regulate the integrity, accountability, or actions of Job Seekers or Clients.

User Eligibility Requirements

To access our Services, you must be at least 18 years old or of legal age in your jurisdiction to form a binding agreement with Expert Employ Path. If you are under the specified age but legally permitted to work, you confirm that a parent or legal guardian has reviewed and consented to this Agreement on your behalf. You are not permitted to use our Services if your access has been previously suspended or terminated by Expert Employ Path, unless expressly authorized in writing.

Authorization for Email-Based Communication

Providing your email address to Expert Employ Path signifies your consent for us to use this email to send communications related to our Service and other non-commercial notices, including legally required notifications, as a replacement for postal mail. We may also use your email address to send additional messages about Service updates and special offers, as permitted by the laws in your jurisdiction.

User Responsibilities

By accessing our services, you agree to the following restrictions:

  • No unauthorized copying, distribution, or disclosure of any part of the Services
  • Avoid using automated systems that overload our servers with requests
  • Do not transmit spam, unsolicited communications, or attempt to breach the integrity or security of our systems
  • Refrain from actions that cause undue strain on our infrastructure or upload harmful data or software through the Services
  • Avoid using the Services for commercial solicitation, impersonation, or misrepresentation of affiliation
  • Do not interfere with the proper functioning of the Services or access them through unauthorized means
  • Avoid submitting false or inaccurate information or offensive material Expert Employ Path holds the right to decide what constitutes offensive material.

Banned User Content Guidelines

The following guidelines outline the categories of User Content that are strictly prohibited. This list is illustrative, not comprehensive. You agree not to post or provide User Content that:

  • May cause harm to any person or property
  • Offers advice or information on illegal activities
  • Involves the transmission of unsolicited or unwanted communications, such as 'phishing' or 'scamming'
  • Links to illegal or offensive material, or seeks Personal Data from individuals under 18
  • Contains content we deem to be illegal, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, intrusive of privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to others (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable
  • Contains illegal information or content, including, but not limited to, insider information under securities laws or another party's trade secrets
  • Infringes on the Intellectual Property Rights or privacy rights of any third party. "Intellectual Property Rights" includes patent rights, copyright rights, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights, and other intellectual property rights.

Content Disclaimer and Liability Restrictions

Expert Employ Path serves only as a conduit for distributing User Content and has no obligation to verify its accuracy, legality, or completeness. As a result, Expert Employ Path is not liable for User Content. You are aware that you may encounter User Content that is inaccurate, misleading, illegal, offensive, or inappropriate, and it is your responsibility to verify its quality, truthfulness, and legality. Any reliance on User Content is at your own risk. Despite this, Expert Employ Path reserves the right, though not obligated, to refuse, remove, or suspend User Content and User Accounts that violate this Agreement, other agreements with Expert Employ Path, applicable laws or regulations, infringe on third-party rights, or pose potential liability or harm to Expert Employ Path.

User Interaction Acknowledgment and Risk Assumption

As a User, you acknowledge and agree that Expert Employ Path neither verifies nor is required to verify the identity or credibility of each User. Expert Employ Path's responsibilities do not cover User authentication. Therefore, it is your duty to conduct due diligence before interacting or communicating with other Users, including job applicants, employers, employment agencies, and recruitment consultants. You voluntarily assume all risks linked to interactions with any User you encounter on the platform. Should any dispute or issue arise with another User, you agree to resolve it directly with that User. By agreeing to these terms, you discharge and hold harmless Expert Employ Path, its subsidiaries, and their employees, directors, and agents from all claims, demands, and damages of any kind, including actual, consequential, direct, and indirect damages, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, revealed or concealed, to the maximum extent allowed by law.

User Content Disclosure Guidelines

Policy on Disclosure of User Content Expert Employ Path retains the discretion to disclose User Content and relevant information to third parties. This is essential for the operation of our Services, enforcement of agreements, fulfillment of legal obligations, and response to governmental requests, law enforcement, court orders, subpoenas, or similar legal proceedings.

Protecting Expert Employ Path's Interests In addition, we may disclose such information to safeguard Expert Employ Path's interests. By accepting these terms, you agree that we have the right to disclose your identity to third parties alleging fraudulent, false, misleading User Content, legal violations, intellectual property infringements, or privacy violations.

Unauthorized Commercial Activities and Confidential Information

You agree not to resell, assign, or use the Website for unauthorized commercial purposes. Any code, inventions, or business, technical, and financial information obtained from us is deemed confidential. You agree not to disclose any Confidential Information, except as permitted by law.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights, and Feedback

All rights to the Service, excluding user-submitted content, remain the exclusive property of Expert Employ Path and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you provide about the Service are voluntary and may be used by us without any obligation to you.

Liability Limitation, Termination Clauses, Indemnity, and General Provisions

Expert Employ Path does not guarantee the legality of accessing Website Content outside the United States. If you access it, you are responsible for complying with local laws. The invalidation of any term by a competent court does not affect the validity of other terms. These terms form the entire agreement between you and Expert Employ Path, and any changes posted on this page will be binding. Your continued use of the Service after revisions signifies your agreement to the updated terms.

Permitted Use and Prohibited Actions

Users are mandated to use the Website within legal limits and in a manner that respects others rights, avoiding activities that violate copyrights, trademarks, personal rights, or are defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive, or hateful. Users must not breach the Website's security, including unauthorized access or service interference. Any violation could result in legal action, and we may cooperate with law enforcement to prosecute offenders. The Website is intended for job seekers and employers only. Users are prohibited from providing inaccurate information, promoting business opportunities requiring upfront payment, using the Website's database for unauthorized purposes, sending unsolicited promotions, modifying others content or overloading the Website's infrastructure.